Unrushed Beginnings
What if we didn’t rush?
This year I hardly know what day it is, much less how many more days till the new year, the deadline when I should have resolutions set and goals in mind. And I kind of love it.
I’m not usually one for big resolutions or strict goals anyways, but I do love reflecting. I enjoy thinking about the year ahead and picking some general themes I want to pursue or cultivate. But I haven’t done that this December.
And as I reflect on that fact, as I think about starting the year feeling kind of unprepared or even behind, that question keeps coming to mind — What if we didn’t rush?
What if we took the time we need? What if January 1st didn’t have to be a deadline to meet? What if being human and choosing growth doesn’t have a due date?
Now, I also think there’s something beautiful about seasonal resets. These rhythms that teach us to look back and ground ourselves moving forward. I typically set aside time to journal and chat with Stu about our intentions for the year, our hopes personally or with travel, all that good stuff. And I’m sure we will, I’m sure I will. But probably not by the end of the year.
So I’m letting myself be swept along by the current of new motherhood and the loss of free time that comes with it. I’m letting dreams and hopes emerge as they come, whether that be today or a month from now.
I’m entering 2024 without a plan other than, I hope I can love myself and others well this year. And for me, part of that is choosing not to rush, but to wait.
May we make space to rest, to enter seasons unrushed and maybe unsure. May we become comfortable with the discomfort of plan-less beginnings. And may this new year be a soft season, a welcomed reprieve, as we start again, again.